Marriage License ApplicationSolicitud De Licencia de Matrimonio


This online application is the first step in a three-part process to obtain your marriage license digitally. Once complete, you will receive an email with instructions on how to submit your payment (step 2), and schedule a recorded video conference (step 3). The payment must be processed at least two hours prior to the video conference. The video conference is NOT a wedding ceremony.


See Fees & Costs for a list of fees and accepted payments. All transactions are non-refundable. The pre-marital course discount is applied prior to payment.


  • A digital image of your federal or state ID showing your name and date of birth, such as a driver license, passport or alien registration card, must be uploaded using the application. "Front and Back of ID is needed" Birth certificates are not accepted. If applicable, a digital copy of your pre-marital counseling completion certificate must be uploaded as well.
  • If previously married, the judgment date of the last divorce must be entered. If the divorce or annulment was less than six months ago, a copy of final judgment of the dissolution/annulment must be uploaded.
  • The video conference requires a device with a camera, microphone, and internet connection, such as a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer with an external microphone and camera. If you are using a mobile device, please download the Zoom app from Google Play or the Apple Store. Both spouses do not need to be physically together, but both spouses do need to be able to attend the video conference call. A printer is also required to print the marriage license to present to the officiant for signature after the wedding.
  • Both parties must have access to the email addresses provided on the application. During the video conference, you will receive emailed instructions to digitally sign the marriage license.
  • Marriage licences obtained by the St. Lucie County Clerk’s office can only be used in the State of Florida.


Esta solicitud en línea es el primer paso en un proceso de tres partes para obtener su licencia de matrimonio digitalmente. Una vez completado, recibirá un correo electrónico con instrucciones sobre cómo enviar su pago (paso 2) y programar una videoconferencia grabada (paso 3). El pago debe procesarse al menos dos horas antes de la videoconferencia. La videoconferencia NO es una ceremonia de boda.


Consulte Tarifas y Costos para obtener una lista de tarifas y pagos aceptados. Todas las transacciones no son reembolsables. El descuento del curso prematrimonial se aplica antes del pago.


  • Se debe descargar OR bajar una imagen digital de su identificación federal o estatal que muestre su nombre y fecha de nacimiento, como una licencia de conducir, pasaporte o tarjeta de registro de extranjero, utilizando la aplicación. "Se necesita el frente y el reverso de la identificación" No se aceptan certificados de nacimiento. Si corresponde, también se debe descargar OR bajar una copia digital de su certificado de finalización de asesoramiento prematrimonial.
  • Si estuvo casado anteriormente, se debe ingresar la fecha del juicio del último divorcio. Si el divorcio o la anulación fue hace menos de seis meses, debe descargar OR bajar una copia del fallo final de la disolución / anulación.
  • La videoconferencia requiere un dispositivo con cámara, micrófono y conexión a Internet, como un teléfono inteligente, tableta, computadora portátil o computadora de escritorio con micrófono y cámara externos. Si está utilizando un dispositivo móvil, descargue la aplicación Zoom de Google Play o Apple Store. No es necesario que ambos cónyuges estén físicamente juntos, pero sí deben poder asistir a la videoconferencia. También se requiere una impresora para imprimir la licencia de matrimonio para presentar al oficiante para su firma después de la boda.
  • Ambas personas OR partidos deben tener acceso a las direcciones de correo electrónico proporcionadas en la solicitud. Durante la videoconferencia, recibirá instrucciones enviadas por correo electrónico para firmar digitalmente la licencia de matrimonio.
  • Las licencias de matrimonio obtenidas por la oficina del Secretario del Condado de St. Lucie solo se pueden usar en el estado de Florida.


The Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller presents this website as a service to the public. We have tried to ensure that the information contained in this electronic document system is accurate. The Clerk makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at other sites to which we link. Assessing accuracy and reliability of information is the responsibility of the user. The Clerk shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for any damages in connection with the use of the information contained herein. If you choose not to accept the conditions stated above please exit this application.


El Secretario del Tribunal de Circuito presenta este sitio web como un servicio al público. Hemos intentado asegurarnos que la información contenida en este sistema de documento electrónico sea exacta. El Secretario del Tribunal de Circuito no da garantía ni garantiza nada con relación a la precisión o veracidad de este sito y los otros lugares a los que enlazamos. Valorar la certeza y la veracidad de la información son la responsabilidad del usuario. El Secretario del Tribunal de Circuito no será responsable de errores contenidos aquí ni por los daños relacionados con el uso de la información aquí expuesta. Si usted decide no aceptar que las condiciones indicadas anteriormente, por favor salga de esta aplicación.

You must agree to the conditions above to proceed.

Spouse 1


Enter your name exactly as it appears on your federal photo identification.

Esposo/Esposa 1


Ingrese su nombre exactamente como aparece en su identificación con foto federal.

Please enter spouse one's first name.
Please enter spouse one's middle name if applicable.
Please enter spouse one's last name.
Please enter spouse one's maiden name if applicable. If not, please reenter last name.
Invalid Input
Please enter spouse one's race.



Please enter spouse one's street address.
Please enter spouse one's city.
Please enter spouse one's state of residence.
Please enter spouse one's zip code.
Please enter spouse one's county.
Please enter spouse one's county.
Please enter spouse one's country of residence.



Please enter spouse one's date of birth.
Please indicate if you have a social security number.
Please enter your 9 digit social security number. Only numbers allowed.
Please enter a valid driver license number, passport number or alien registration card number
Please enter spouse one's birth country.
Please enter spouse one's state of birth.
Please upload a copy of government issued photo ID.



Please indicate whether spouse one has been previously married.
Please choose which number marriage this is for spouse one.
Please enter the date spouse one's last marriage ended.
Please enter the reason spouse one's last marriage ended.
Please provide final judgment, if marriage ended less than six months ago.



Please enter spouse one's email. Must be different from spouse two's email.
Please enter spouse one's mobile phone.

Spouse 2


Enter your name exactly as it appears on your federal photo identification.

Esposo/Esposa 2


Ingrese su nombre exactamente como aparece en su identificación con foto federal.

Please enter spouse two's first name.
Please enter spouse two's middle name if applicable.
Please enter spouse two's last name.
Please enter spouse two's maiden name.
Invalid Input
Please enter spouse two's race.



Please enter spouse two's street address.
Please enter spouse two's city.
Please enter spouse two's state of residence.
Please enter spouse two's zip code.
Please enter spouse two's county.
Please enter spouse two's county.
Please enter spouse two's country of residence.



Please enter spouse two's date of birth.
Please indicate if you have a social security number.
Please enter your 9 digit social security number. Only numbers allowed.
Please enter a valid driver license number, passport number or alien registration card number
Please enter spouse two's birth country.
Please enter spouse two's state of birth.
Please upload a copy of government issued photo ID



Please indicate whether spouse two has been previously married.
Please choose which number marriage this is for spouse two.
Please enter the date spouse two's last marriage ended.
Please enter the reason spouse two's last marriage ended.
Please provide final judgment, if marriage ended less than six months ago.



Please enter spouse two's email. Must be different from spouse one's email.
Please enter spouse two's mobile phone.

Family Law Handbook Affidavit


Please indicate that both spouses have read the Family Law Handbook.

Pre-Marital Counseling

Couples who attend counseling with a licensed counselor or clergy member, whether or not they are Florida residents, can provide their certificate of completion and receive a $25 discount on the cost of their license. This is NOT required to apply for a marriage license.


Las parejas que asisten a asesoramiento con un consejero con licencia o miembro del clero, sean o no residentes de Florida, pueden presentar su certificado de finalización y recibir un descuento de $ 25 en el costo de su licencia. Esto NO es obligatorio para solicitar una licencia de matrimonio.

Please indicate whether or not both applicants have completed a pre-marital counseling course.
Please provide your pre-marital counseling course completion certificate.

Certified Copy Mailing Address

Where should we mail the certified copies of your recorded marriage license?


¿Dónde debemos enviar las copias del certificado de su licencia de matrimonio Registrados?

Please enter street address for certified copy of marriage license.
Please enter city.
Please enter state.
Please enter zip code.
Please tell us your preferred language. Por favor díganos su idioma preferido? Tanpri di nou lang ou pi pito a?
Please tell us your preferred language. Por favor díganos su idioma preferido? Tanpri di nou lang ou pi pito a?


I hereby acknowledge that I have reviewed all the information on the marriage license, including, but not limited to names, dates of birth, address, Social Security number, and number of marriages. I agree that if there are any discrepancies found after submitting the marriage license application, I will be required to pay an amended license fee of $42. A $25 discount will only be applied if a valid pre-marital course completion certificate has been uploaded with the application. By clicking submit, you agree to any additional applicable fees.


Por la presente, reconozco que he revisado toda la información en la licencia de matrimonio, incluidos, entre otros, nombres, fechas de nacimiento, dirección, número de Seguro Social y número de matrimonios. Acepto que si se encuentran discrepancias después de presentar la solicitud de licencia de matrimonio, se me solicitará que pague una tarifa de licencia enmendada de $ 42. Solo se aplicará un descuento de $ 25 si se ha cargado un certificado válido de finalización del curso prematrimonial con la solicitud. Al hacer clic en enviar, acepta cualquier tarifa adicional aplicable.

Please complete the acknowledgment.

Application Review

Please review the data entered in your application before submitting it. To edit any information, please return to the previous pages.


Revise los datos ingresados en su solicitud antes de enviarla. Para editar cualquier información, regrese a las páginas anteriores.

Spouse 1Esposo/Esposa 1

NameNombre: .
Maiden NameApellido de Nacimiento: .
SuffixSufijo: .
RaceRaza de la Novia: .
AddressDireccion: .
CountyCondado: .
CountryPais: .
Date of BirthFecha de Nacimiento: .
Social Security or Government ID Number Número de Seguro Social o una Identificación Emitida por el Gobierno :.
Birthplace StateNacimiento Estado: .
Birthplace CountryNacimiento Pais: .
Previously Married? ¿Casado Anteriormente? : .
Marriage Number Número de este matrimonio : .
Last Marriage Ended Date Si ha estado casada, fecha final : .
Last Marriage Ended Reason Razón por la que terminó el matrimonio : .
Email Correo Electrónico : .
Mobile Phone Teléfono Móvil : .

Spouse 2Esposo/Esposa 2

NameNombre: .
Maiden NameApellido de Nacimiento: .
SuffixSufijo: .
RaceRaza de la Novia: .
AddressDireccion: .
CountyCondado: .
CountryPais: .
Date of BirthFecha de Nacimiento: .
Social Security or Government ID Number Número de Seguro Social o una Identificación Emitida por el Gobierno :.
Birthplace StateNacimiento Estado: .
Birthplace CountryNacimiento Pais: .
Previously Married? ¿Casado Anteriormente? : .
Marriage Number Número de este matrimonio : .
Last Marriage Ended Date Si ha estado casada, fecha final : .
Last Marriage Ended Reason Razón por la que terminó el matrimonio : .
Email Correo Electrónico : .
Mobile Phone Teléfono Móvil : .

We hereby certify that we have obtained, read or otherwise accessed information contained in the Family Law Handbook:Por la presente certificamos que hemos obtenido, leído o accedido de otra manera a la información contenida en el Manual de Derecho de Familia: .
Did you complete a pre-marital course? ¿Han completado un curso de preparación Premarital? : .
Certified Copy Mailing AddressDirección De Correo Certificada: .

Preferred LanguageIdioma Preferido: .


Payment instructions will be emailed separately.Las instrucciones de pago se enviarán por correo electrónico por separado.