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Online Auctions FAQs

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Select an area below to view related frequently asked questions. If you still have questions or cannot find what you are looking for, please contact our office using this form or call us at 772-462-6900.

The Clerk's office cannot provide legal advice. Please contact a qualified attorney for guidance about a particular legal issue.

Foreclosure & Tax Deed Auction FAQs

Property owners are required to pay property taxes on an annual basis to the County Tax Collector. If the owner does not pay his/her taxes, in June of the following year a tax certificate will be sold by the Tax Collector.

Generally, if the tax certificate has not been redeemed within two years, the holder of the certificate can apply to force a public auction of the property. This auction is referred to as a "tax deed sale" and the monies collected from the sale are used to pay off the amount owed to the certificate holder.

The Clerk holds tax deed sales pursuant to Florida Statute Chapter 197.

Q. What is a tax deed sale

Contact Us

Clerk's Main Office

201 South Indian River Drive
2nd Floor
Fort Pierce, FL 34950
Directions to this Location

Mailing Address

Clerk and Comptroller
P. O. Box 700
Fort Pierce, FL 34954

Hours of Operation

8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday
(Excluding Holidays)

Phone: 772-462-6900